On the Malaysian fence

"Can Manchester United score? They always score! ...." ~ Clive Tyldesley at 90 mins of the 1999 Champions League final with Manchester United trailing 1-0.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Amazing food in China

Chinese have a knack of eating all sorts of food. But this just takes it to another level.
Below are some shots taken off a menu in a coffee house called UBC coffee in Shenzhen, China.

Try making sense out of this.

or this.....

Must be a real cranky pig......

I wonder where they'd get so many cowboy meat....

This 'sheet iron' sure has good appetite

Little shy piece of meat....

Definitely not something for you honest folks out there......

This has got to be my favourite...... ouch!

where do they get so much explosives....

But happy = Coke......

Waiter : Sir, can i get you something to drink?
Cowboy : Yea..... but, happy
Waiter : Sir, we have no control over our drinks' emotions
Cowboy : Whatever, just get me one, but happy....
Waiter : Maybe if i tickled it a little?


I wasn't in the mood to eat any cowboys, or exploding pigs or bananas (too messy), nor was i happy, so i ordered coffee...... it's spelled as C-O-F-F-E-E too..... how amazing.

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